An Endless Search for Family!

Albert and Martha Leslie my great grandparents.
Albert and Martha Leslie my great grandparents.

I can’t remember there ever being a time, when I was not learning or hearing about my ancestors.  Stories about mariners, local heroes, interesting tidbits and who I am currently or never related to, was an ongoing topic in my family.  Genealogy research is second nature to me, and a version of mostly dead (and some most certainly alive) relatives can be found at Family Tree DNA.

An older version of my family three that Ancestry, since 2017, no longer allows to be updated is found at  Rootsweb.

I gathered together descriptions and links to some of my favourite Genealogy Websites.

Where did all that DNA come from?  My experience with genealogy DNA results.

Late in 2016 I compiled a list of Canadian Censuses. Some of the sources are restricted to members only ( and Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia.)

After realizing how much I was using the list of Canadian Censuses, I started compiling a list of where free vital statistics can be found.

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