Wood Refinishing

We found a new product to replace any other boat finish we may have used in past. It is called Penofin Marine Oil. We had to replace all the finish on our floor and this product worked wonderfully on the teak and holly.  I used it on the doors, tiller, Foo Dog carving and as much bright work that I could sand.  You can put it on with a sponge or brush but I favour a cloth.  Wait 20 minutes and rub off the oil. Dry, then repeat the process up to three times. The floors took 3 coatings after the first time we sanded them down to the wood. Since then, I just use two coats a season.  I do find it hard to get to a dock in fine and calm weather to get a chance to oil the brightwork.  But trying to rotate the schedule seems to work fine.  One side of the boat might look fine, compared to the other side.  Also, once all the varnish or Cetol wears off the wood, the job will be much easier as there will no longer be pealing finish on wood to scrap off.  It does finish dark, so if your preference is in light wood, this is not the product to choose.  

Although we don’t have a teak deck, I wondered how some teak on boats looks like new wood and other boats had teak with an older weathered grey look. Certainly, the boats with the better looking teak weren’t any newer.  I now understand it is all in the re-finishing. If you want your teak to stay looking like new, you have to work at it.  Like any other brightwork, every type of wood needs continuous care. You will find a three step method in bringing back the new look to your teak decks, written by Kim Brown, on her website.  http://www.sailingbritican.com/teak-wonder/

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